Wanda we had the same first names on the way to school we always passed the Lassiter house a very popular family. I could always depend on a big bright smile and hello as we would walk to the corner store where we picked up some good eating on the way to school and from lunch time, you are truly missed. Wanda Southerland-Dailey
Wanda was a dear friend and will be greatly missed. A sweet and kind person that had a very outgoing personality. I lived around the corner from Wanda for years and still remember her bright and gentile smile.
Wanda Southerland (Dailey)
Wanda we had the same first names on the way to school we always passed the Lassiter house a very popular family. I could always depend on a big bright smile and hello as we would walk to the corner store where we picked up some good eating on the way to school and from lunch time, you are truly missed. Wanda Southerland-DaileyClarence Claiborne
Wanda was a dear friend and will be greatly missed. A sweet and kind person that had a very outgoing personality. I lived around the corner from Wanda for years and still remember her bright and gentile smile.We miss you Wanda.
Gwen Borges
Happy 52nd Birthday sister girl,love you and still missing you!!