Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Kevin Adams
Nancy Allen
Sandra Allen
Tauyna Alston (Melvin)
Cassandra Anderson
Charlene Anderson (Ruffin)
Gayle Anderson
Michael Anderson
Phillip Anderson
Steven Anderson
LaVerne Anthony
Andre Arnoux
James Arthur
William Ashby
Cynthia Bailey
Pamela Bailey
Robert Ballard
Austin Banks
Lyford Banks
Charles Barbour
Doretha Barnes
Cecilia Battle
Michael Battle
Cynthia Bell (Marshall)
Majorie Bell
Michelle Belt
JoAnn Belton
Roy Blackburn
Cheryl Boone
Gwen Botts
Mozella Bowler (Hewitt)
Dorothy Bozier (Morrison)
James Brinkley
Cathy Broaddus
Anthony Brooks
Anthony Brown
Jacqueline Brown
Shiree Brown
Veronica Brown
Karen Bruce
Gerald Bullock
Renee Bullock
Arlice Buncombe
Charlitta Burruss
Darryle Burton
Denise Butler (Bowser)
Sheryl Camper
Joan Carlton
Melvin Carr
Mary Carroll
Roena Carson
Angela Carter
Ronald Carter
Thomas Carter
Yvette Casey
Linda Cash
Karen Cheek
Sharon Cheek
Ronald Cherry
Debra Coates
Tyrone Cobb
Felicia Cockrum
Ronald Cole
Ronald Collins
Teretha Connor
Larry Cook
James Coppedge
Shereta Corbin
Eleanor Cramer
Duanne Crawley (Jones)
Jaqueline Cross
Robin Cunningham
Derrick Datcher
Regina Davis
Sandra Davis
Shirley Davis
Sandra Dennis
Sheila DeVine
Donna Dickerson
Stefanie Dixon
Candance Dorsey
Melva Edmonds
Althea Elam
Wanda Ellis
Floyd England
Frederick Ford
Denise Foreman
Yvette Fountain (Simmons)
Denise Fox
Cheryl Francis
Deborah Francis
Zenaida Francois
Ronald Frazier
Kathy Freeman
Annette Frye
Romona Galloway
Calvin Gant
David Garner
Diane Giles
Charles Glover
Keith Green
Theresa Green
Tony Green
TuJana Green
Vernita Greene
Sheila Guinyard
Joanne Gunter
John Haile
Linda Hamilton
Reginald Harlan
Kim Harris
John Russell Harris Jr
Virginia Harrod
Tony Hawkins
Anthony Hilliard
Carlton Hollis
Louis Holly
Darlene Hope
Karolynne Inman
Kernell Jackson
Samuel Jackson
Darlene James
Phyllice Jamison
Aaron Jones
David Jones
Deborah Jones
Marlene Jones
Michael Jones
Sherman Jones
Garry Jordan
Lynn Kennedy
Sonya Key
Leonard Layton
Leslie Lee
Aminah Leeks
Zenah Leeks
Albert Lewis
Kathy Lewis
Tawana Lewis
Kevin Lilly
Ronald Locke
Joseph Long
Raymond Longshore
William Lonon
Craig Louers
Kevin Louers
Lisa Love
Dana Lyles
Karen Malachi
Anthony Marriott
Michael Marshall
Evelyn Martin
Willie Martin
Joy Mason
John Mason III
Michael Massenburg
Guy Massey
Lolita Massey
Teresa McCain
Cindy McGee
Gilbert McKelvin
Alethea McKnight
Stanley McLean
Marlene McMillian (Gallman)
Robert McNeill
Terrance Melvin
Stanley Milam
Kim Miles
Robin Miles
Darrine Mitchell
Daryl Mitchell
Linda Monroe
Denise Montgomery
Thomasine Montgomery
Carolyn Moore
Daisy Moore
Susan Moore
Veronica Morrisey
Teresa Moton
Darlene Moye
Marlene Moye
Anthony Myers
Thelma Nelson (Tingle)
Priscilla Newton
Nikita Nichols
Donna Nipper
Gayle O'Bryant (Miller)
Carolyn Ogburn (Parker)
Kevin Padgett
Opal Palmer
Paula Palmer
Norma Parker
Amelia Patten
Devanna Patten
Renee Patterson
Flodoir Pe
Doris Perry
Victoria Pettaway
Charesse Petty
Claudia Piper
Lachelle Pitts
Larry Powell
Renita Price (Lewis)
Steven Pridgen
Brenda Proctor
Janice Quander
Junior Rambogin
Charles Ramsey
Gregory Ransom
Karl Ray
Vincent Rich
Yolanda Richards
James Roache
Earl Roberson
Thedora Rousey
Gloria Samuel
George Seaborn
Karen Seaborne
Tammy Seager
Judy Seatman
Johnsie Shaw
Cynthia Shoats
Beverly Simms
Quennet Simpkins
Willie Sims
Anthony Singletary
Sylvia Smallwood
Clennetta Smith
Harrison Smith
Karen Smith
Robert Smith
Andrita Spencer (Marshall)
Daphne Stanfield
Veronica Stanley
Denise Stansbury
Derrick Stevens
Ruth Stevenson
Jerome Swann
Michael Tate
Denise Taylor
John Taylor
Kim Taylor
Lois Taylor
John Terrell
Philip Terrell
Linda Thomas
Warren Thomas
Loretta Thompson
Nenna Thompson
Anthony Tobias
Rodney Todd
Barry Tolliver
Cheryl Vanison (Bell)
Harry Vass
Steven Vick
Kevin Wages
Joan Walker
Rudolph Walker
Sannatha Walker
Nancy Watson
Steven Weaver
Keith Wharton
Rosa Whitaker
Louis White
Preston White
Stephanie White
Cecelia Williams (Nelson)
Herbert Williams
Myrtle Williams
Ronald Williams
Rose Wynn
Diane Zachery

Guest Members

Nicole Bowman
Ann Brown
Jackie Martin
Diane Miles
Joseph Stills
James Taylor
Larry Wonniemaker